
LiveCode San Jose

For the past couple of years, LiveCode conferences have been virtual events, but this year there was an in-person option along with a streaming option for those who could not travel. It was a great time! The LiveCode team is truly a great bunch of people, and the community is equally lovely. It was good to connect with a number of people I've met before as well as make some new friends. Here are some highlights...


LiveCode datagrids

The LiveCode DataGrid is at once powerful and confounding. Everything is stored in arrays which is fine, but it is fundamentally different than the LiveCode way of doing things in every other way. Make sure you read the documentation for the DataGrid API ...WAY... before you start writing code. Everything your want stored in a DataGrid must be "put" there using DataGrid methods (such as set the dgData of...), otherwise you'll never get it out.


Develop Yourself

I had a great time today with Kevin Miller and Chris Coleman talking about all things LiveCode. Kevin is the CEO of LiveCode Ltd., and Chris holds the tile of Marketing Executive. LiveCode is about to launch a new marketing campaign with the slogan "Develop Yourself", and they interviewed myself along with a number of other LiveCode users in the US.

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